Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Font Is Used For The Tiffany & Co. Logo

antisocial behavior is not tolerated!

cooks in the UK straight up a pretty heinous case of continued harassment, see here or even here :
The mother of two severely disabled children had for many years repeatedly to the police, the social services and even to the local deputies approached, asking it to help. But nothing happened. Finally, lit the woman together with her daughter.
British Prime Minister announced that now "measures against anti-social behavior" - which also will always be that.

I mean, antisocial behavior can not be tolerated.
Not in United Kingdom.
But not here in Germany.

I mean, people who behave anti-social, business, so with their behavior against society and against clearly weaker members of society, such people are punished very clear. This can range from the reduction of the Hartz-IV-affinity or the community service to immediate deportation, depending on the options for the concrete Subject are available.

And quite honestly, we must finally stop with this idiotic Ei-ei-guttschi Cuddle education. If it fails here and now, children and young people to convey the ideal of a community in which everyone has a value, we will soon have many more people beaten to death.


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