Monday, September 14, 2009

Vtech Phone Troubleshooting

hill ... and then later it was still a huge party!

The jump festivals of recent years were, one might almost say, traditionally, always overshadowed by violence of the worst kind. As on the last weekend, although the police had held back because very impressive. While in recent years one, two police patrols on foot walked on the event and showed presence, this time was not a single cop can not see the whole afternoon and evening.

By then about 150 rioters this aggressive Nichtprovoziertwerden were tired easily. Most of them were indeed a special trip to Hamburg, to experience something. So was quickly attacked a police station so they could finally celebrate the longed-street battle, and went off the post.

I think this mob should be condemned to 2 years in labor camps, repeat offenders get more than double the time each of the previous conviction and a statute of limitations do not exist.

I am sure that would deter it - provided it is truly a labor camp and not the standard German prison with satellite TV and room service.


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