Friday, September 25, 2009

Product Registration Nintendo

nuclear reactor remote monitoring

Nuclear Reactor Remote Monitoring (KFÜ) of the Land Schleswig-Holstein is an institution that since 1981 a continuous surveillance, the nuclear facilities in the country. For example, there

run permanently on readings from various sensors in radiation environment of nuclear power plants, as is automated in the KFÜ reported if a power plant itself off.

Such a reactor-fast-off, it has indeed the power plant on 4 Krümmel July where - for the "overhaul" of the transformers were so small metal shavings get into the pipes and the fuel rods were damaged. The power plant electronics has noticed this and started to speak, the emergency program.

This shows us
nuclear power plants are safe.
If something goes wrong they turn itself off.

One may ask, why has no one from these metal chips before. Well, apparently happened there after the fire a year ago under much time pressure. And pass under time pressure, the Most of the errors.

This shows us
nuclear power plants are safe.
people and their greed, they make unsafe.

The message on the emergency shutdown was also registered in the way of KFÜ in Kiel. In any case electronically. Unfortunately, this has no one there to note because the incident happened outside office hours. Just bad luck, but "you call outside business hours."

This shows us
nuclear power plants are safe.
people and their greed, they make unsafe.
The state is due to greed not able to protect ourselves.

But you have - honestly - admit that in important Events such as the release of radioactivity, an employee of KFÜ is informed. They have a 24-hour on-call 7 days a week.

extent we can be very reassuring: if it's too late, at least it gets someone with - on that occasion, I recommend looking times on the accident pyramid Skiba and think about which level we are with this KFÜ story are well ...


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