Thursday, September 17, 2009

Valentine Sugar Cookies

Spacken all countries, unite!

Today I can not go away to decide which message me move forward and onto the palm tree: First, there is

times the murder of Dominik Brunner in Munich and the resulting re- times erupted discussion about the intensification of the (youth) criminal law. Yes, I am in such matters, rather a law-and-order type. I reject Kuschel education from an unsuitable means when it comes to the punishment of juvenile offenders. But for this occasion, a separate post.

If, however, be asked, smiling coldly, as if would have avoided a penalty of 15 instead of 10 years for murder (juvenile justice), this fact, one has to say: probably not. But a clearer line of the state towards (young) offenders in previous years, these two might have Spacken but can target different. Because both were criminally obvious for years.

It also reports today that the emergency telephone at the station Solln not work. What was known by the way, and has been for five years! German Rail and a private railway companies are now at odds as to why this is so. The private company was required to set up the emergency telephone (we have also done) and to operate. This, however, we did not do. And why? "Due to technical problems and because the DB was in contract negotiations as shown 'unfriendly', the column was about five years ago while connected but not switched been" explains the head of the private car.

Äääh ... this reminds me now of anything more.

The other news today is concerned - no surprise's - again the jump. As has in fact now the "Speaker of the hill festival, a certain Andreas Blechschmidt, taking the floor and said:" Violence as a political means I do not rule out ". And to attack the police station, he said: "The guard is a symbol for the concept of interior minister Ahlhaus to provide police officers in 2300 to jump hard."

Yes bravo! The guy but he lives in another universe. First, times: violence as a political tool to WHAT? Against the state, which gives this next-chaotisierten fop their support? And second, history has shown it more than clear that extremely strong police force necessary to the rioting or less to keep in check. What does he want? That the city and its citizens to watch helplessly as their habitat is destroyed?

I think it is time that is in the hill district finally cleaned up properly. The next time the same flaring all the flora, all potential perpetrators of violence "by mistake" with the water cannon to drive and flush his remains in the gutter. That would be nothing but "violence as a political tool," and that is yes, according to this sick minds in order.


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