Friday, September 18, 2009

Red Painful Bump On Stomach

with the first name ...

... it's such a thing. Who remembers not to the bullies from the school who had somehow always the same first name, or the self-styled beauty with Zickzickfaktor - that were called but somehow all the same, right?

So when I think of my school friends from back then, because I have very specific notion of Stephen's were the typical clowns, Oliver's were still and gray, but rather clever, and who was named Andreas, to be treated with caution. For the girls, too: Brittany's were the Colonel Reber interior, Nathalie's full Zicken and Claudia's shyness had eaten with spoons.

A report in Spiegel Online has reinforced in me the realization that name somehow but what to do with character traits: Kevin is not a name but a diagnosis - but when I read the headline,'s has hit me laughing almost from the chair.

has actually found the Center for Child Research at the University of Oldenburg in a study: "As more friendly, more powerful and behave discreetly raised children with first names such as Charlotte, Sophie, Marie, Hannah, Alexander, Maximilian, Simon, Luke and James in the awareness of teachers is, while names such as Chantal, Mandy, Angelina, Kevin, Justin and Maurice associated more with poor performance and behavior problems are. "

not surprising it?
I firmly believe in the following causal chain *:

- parents tend to educational backgrounds more likely to you to base the choice of names from the Yellow Press: Kevin (Home Alone), Angelina (Jolie), Justin (Timberlake) - probably believe those that their children with such names be so successful as the examples from music and film ...

- parents in educational backgrounds are more likely to unbalanced, aggressive, annoying children, because they usually are not in a position to make sense to look after their children. TV, XBox and Game Boy replace books and museums, what will await you there?

- In Combination results in: children from families who may be at increased risk of being educated to stress children (un), and the matching names.

- and (for a sample) that works the other way: especially ambitious parents who send their children to twelve days a week for piano, flute, violin, theater and jazz gymnastics look, also from appropriate name, then as "modern -traditionally "- so it comes to Charlotte, or Luke.

* the course, everything is simplified cliché - is of course there are exceptions.

PS: A court in Berlin has now decided last instance that The Muslim first name "Djehad" permitted and must be entered. Yeah had "Djehad" the meaning of "holy war", but that was not to be considered a disadvantage for the child. are rather from the German-speaking way too "Pumuckel" or "Fanta" allowed (determined without any detriment to the children ...), "Borussia" and "Tom Tom" is not. Well, I'm kinda glad that I am in real life not Fischkopp hot. ;-)


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