Friday, September 11, 2009

Ultrasonic Transducer 24

A silent thought

I remember today all the blind eight years ago by religious fanaticism killed people, especially all those who lost in performance of their duties as employees of emergency services, fire brigade or police their lives.

I think of the families who mourn for eight years.

I think of the children who miss their father for eight years and / or their mother, and to the men and women who have been waiting eight years to their life partner and to know that there will not be seeing you again.

But I also think of all the other people over the millennia, religious zealots have fallen victim to

I think of jungle tribes in Africa or America, which forced the missionary and Christianization resisted and were exterminated.

I think of girls and women, especially in Africa, the cut - to be liked because it supposedly a god - that is mutilated.

I think of the many people who are infected with the HIV virus, because a religious fanatic despised in the Vatican condom devil.

That I am a devout atheist himself, convinced that there is no God, would have to worship you, I have already made clear on many occasions. I repeat it here today because I believe that religion is the root of much too much evil in this world.

religion and faith may indeed many a support in their lives, something they can cling in difficult times, but religion and faith are also the instruments of power, and power backup. They have always served and still serve the oppression, exploitation, the justification of death and destruction.

If there is, contrary to my firm belief but something like a God, he would either fail miserably or it would be very ably in how we humans tear for him.
In both cases, but I see no reason for him to worship.


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