Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sore Throat White Pustules

The European Movement

The European Movement's founding, flag, members ...

The European Movement (engl. European Movement) is a Europe-wide association of organizations and individuals with the aim to promote a united, federal Europe, based on the fundamental rights on peace, democracy, freedom, equality, solidarity and is based on the participation of citizens. It was on 25 October in 1948 and now operates in 41 European countries.

The history of the European movement

The origins of the European movement date back to July 1947. Met there to La Ligue Européenne de Coopération Economique (ELEC), l'Union européenne des Fédéralistes (UEF), l'Union européenne parlementaire (UPE) and the Anglo-French United European Movement to a conference in Paris on the initiative of Winston Churchill Ducan and Sandys.

They pursued the idea of a united Europe.

After a temporary further meeting at which the committee gave the name of Joint International Committee for European Unity, was the key trend for the creation of the European Movement on the of 7 to 11 May 1948 in The Hague under the chairmanship of Churchill held conference, attended by nearly 800 delegates from across Europe and observers from the United States and Canada. Among the participants were German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Eugen Kogon.

The Hague conference had three resolutions drafted and adopted: Resolution Cultural, Economic & Social Council resolution and the Political Resolution.

After a British source "movement" first to 50% of the American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE) project, which was adopted by the U.S. Secret Service Office of Strategic Services (OSS) is controlled.

structure and members

the European Movement has currently 41 national meetings and 21 international organizations as associated members. Its approximately 130 member organizations represent almost all social groups: trade unions, political parties, trade and professional associations, educational institutions, foundations, academic institutions and others. Its president since 2005, Pat Cox. One of the six vice presidents, the SPD

politicians Jo.

flag The flag of the European Movement (green, originally red E on a white Base) was designed by Duncan Sandys.
on the activities of the European Movement date back the establishment of the Collège d'Europe / College of Europein Bruges and the European Centre of Culture in Geneva.

Different types of flags over time

The Hertenstein cross was the first symbol of European Federalists, designed by the
Basel sculptor Hedwig free. It was eigeführt in the founding of the Swiss European Union in 1934 and received 1946 in Hertenstein, where in September, the basic program of the European Federalists worked out his name. It is adapted from the Swiss cross and shows a mirror-image double-E, symbolizing the unification of Europe. In the early years it was also the symbol of Germany's European Union and the Union of European Federalists (UEF) and its member associations .

The flag of the European Movement, the son of Churchill, Duncan Sandys, was designed, triggered off the Hertenstein cross. First it's been shown at the Hague Congress in 1948, as a red E on a white background. Later, it was chosen instead of red green (the color of hope) and so officially at the congress in February 1949 as a flag and insignia of the European movement and its member associations decided. Meanwhile, the European Movement has taken on the official European flag, the green E remained the symbol of European Federalists.

On December 8, 1955 the Committee of Ministers decided on the unanimous recommendation of the Consultative Assembly, 23 September 1054 a European flag, showing a circle on a blue background of twelve five-pointed stars. The stars are arranged like the hours on a dial. On the blue ground of the western sky, these stars symbolize the European peoples, the immutable number twelve should it stand as a symbol of perfection. Since 21 April 1986, this flag also the official symbol of the EC, the European Union today.

The European Movement in Germany

The Network European Movement Germany is the non-partisan association of stakeholders in European policies, and feel a clear pro-European contract required. The network promotes
EBD under the Statute, the European integration in Germany and the cross-border cooperation of European civil society. Additionally the network supports EBD its member organizations in European information, cooperation and training activities. We organize and strengthen the Euro-communication and European perspective in dialogue with EU stakeholders at national and European Ebene.Unsere approximately 150 member organizations representing virtually all sectors of society: business and professional associations, unions, educational institutions, academic institutions, foundations, political parties, businesses and others. Body of the member organizations is the leading organization of board Mitgliederversammlung.Politisch and the business of the non-profit organization supported by the Secretariat team. The European policy expertise, information and activities of member organizations are focused on the network, networked and strengthened.


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