Monday, April 21, 2008

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The Bundesrepublick Germany in Europe and the World Food

Germany is meanwhile in the European Union and many international organizations be incorporated.


1949 € Europe
protection of human rights, strengthening democratic institutions

1951 European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) = ECSC
France, Bundesrepublick Germany, Benelux countries and Italy, presented their coal and steel industry a common supervisory

1957 European Economic Community (EEC)
Italy France, Belgium, Bundesrepublick Germany, Luxembourg and the Netherlands to create a common market.
The Treaties of Rome are the basis for future pan-European single market and the reduction of tariffs.

1957 European Atomic Energy Community (Eurotom)
commitment to the peaceful use of nuclear energy

1959 beginning of the tariff phase

1962 European Agricultural Fund (contract for financial assistance)

1967 EEC, Eurotom and ECSC close together = European Community (EC)

1968 completing the customs union

1972 EC - Summit Conference in Paris: foreign policy cooperation is to be intenseviert

1973 Denmark, Ireland and Great Britain are new members of the EC

1975 EC and ACP - countries (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries) => Trade and Development Agreement is renewed several times

1979 first direct election of deputies to European Parliament
introduction of the European Monetary System (EMS)

1981 Greece we have a new EC - Member

1986 Spain and Portugal, new EC - Members

1990 German reunification, five new federal states, which are also part of the EC

1992 Treaty of Maastricht
achieving the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
goal: From a European currency EC
we European Union (EU) , as not only economic but also political and social objectives.
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) since 1993 introduction of Union citizenship

1995 Finland, Sweden and Austria join the EU

1998 establishing the European Central Bank (ECB)

1999 introduction of the euro (in cashless payment transactions)

2002 euro notes and coins in 12 EU countries (euro zone)

2004 EU enlargement to Estonia , Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Cyprus


European Council: It consists of the Heads of State or Government and Foreign Ministers of EU Member States and the President of the commission. The Presidency of the european Council rotates every six months. In regular intervals to meet the leaders of the 15 member countries of the European Union for talks. Most of the relevant departmental minister in the political discussions are involved. Basic Weichentstellung forthe development of Europe are made here. Since the EU is not a sovereign state and must be considered in all institutions of national interests, decisions often come about only with difficulty.

Council: The set-making power in the EU Council of Ministers exercises. It is made up of either the foreign ministers or the ministers of EU states. Individual countries have a various degrees of voting power. May be awarded a total of 87 votes. 62 votes needed to adopt a decision of necessity.
The laws adopted by the Council of Ministers, are above the national law and are binding for all EU citizens.
The Presidency in the Council, meeting in Brussels or Luxembourg will change every six months.

European Commission: It is headed by a President and exercise the executive power in the EU. The Commission carries out the laws of the Ministerial Council and manages the budget. In the political structure of the European Union is a key to their position as they pursue new developments actively, but they can also block for some time. The bureaucracy in the administrative headquarters in Brussels has gained a tremendous position of power. The commission is on trial before the European Parliament and can be toppled by a vote of no confidence or by an action before the European Court of Justice of these. Germany provides two commissioners. They have a five year term. Each committee member has one vote.

European Parliament: The European Parliament is the advisory and monitoring body of the European Union. Its 626 Members are elected by universal, equal, secret, free and direct suffrage for five years. In Europäishcen Parliament, there are no national groups, Special Representative at the European level, the merged group. It can start political initiatives to submit proposals to the European Commission and decision. Moreover, in the Parliament the right to reject the budget of the Commission and to file suit against other EU institutions before the European Court of Justice.

Treaty of Maastricht (1992)
In this agreement, the undersigned, all EU members, has not only economic but acuh cooperation in political and social fields fixed.
General principles: citizenship, respect for national peculiarities the Member States, respect for fundamental rights, subsidiarity, proximity

> creation of an Economic and Monetary Union
principle of market orientation
> of the economic policy objectives (price stability, sound public finances, low inflation, low budget deficit, vote on economic issues with the EU partners, eg interest)
> European Central Bank
> einheitliceh currency

extension of the rights of EU institutions
> extension of the rights of Parliament
-say in composition of the Commission
-enhanced budgetary control
-decision in the legislative
-propose legislation
law, petitions and committees of inquiry set up
> extension of the rights of the European Court
> creation of a regional committee, so that regional interests can be better taken into account

improvement of political cooperation
security policy
expansion of cooperation between the security forces within the EU to curb international crime

foreign policy
The "voice" unified Europe, participation in conflict management in crisis situations other regions

domestic policy
common asylum and immigration law, common border control and drug policy, harmonization of the regulations

environmental policy
uniform environmental standards, consistent enforcement in all EU countries

social policy
approximation of social security, reducing wealth gap, equal educational opportunities, enhancing employment opportunities

tax policy
harmonization of tax regimes, simplification of tax legislation

On 1 January 1993, the European single market in force. The common market provides economic freedom in the exchange of goods and services, promotes the free movement of working people and the liberalization of financial flows

The € the convergence within the EU
The introduction of the new European currency has been gradual. In the participating countries (euro zone), it was on 1 January 1999 introduced, but only as book money, ie, during transfer of account account. ESRT from 1 January 2002 - with the issue of coins and notes, was the euro as legal tender in a total of 12 countries of the European Union. Greece was still added to the original countries. In an unprecedented in the history of exchange operations, the national currencies recovered and brought the new money in circulation.
For the many international companies, this means an enormous relief of the administration. Passenger traffic is also prophecy of it. The common effective on the integration of the European countries is an enormous boost verlht and makes the process of European integration irreversible. In the new Währzng
are also some risks. Above all, a stable price level will be ensured, to make sure is one of the most important tasks of the European Central Bank.

In the age of unspanenden world trade, more frequent and closer interaction between government, business and culture across continents, it is necessary to "global" (= world comprehensively) to think. This should not only his own country, own continent to be considered, but "the world". Use of electric media get news and information to the remotest corners of the world quickly and without much red tape, satellite transmit images of current events from distant countries. Cultural linkages (such as youth exchange or study abroad) deepen the understanding of to live other companies and their nature.
kompliezierte closely linked networks are formed there. They are constantly evolving and narrower. This process is called globalization .
This development is a major opportunity, as is strengthened by the close collaboration of many people's awareness of the need for joint problem-solving. On the other hand, globalization is a major challenge because of this close cooperation also makes precise rules about the interaction required. These create and guarantee their compliance often proves to be very difficult.

The global economic relations and the resulting economic linkages to always clear. Markets of goods and services grow beyond the boundaries of the respective States or by supranational organizations (eg European Union) also. Huge capital flows resulting from this development. Modern information and communication technologies and the world better and more rapidly becoming Tranportmöglichkeiten in passenger and freight favor this development, globalization.
Via e-mail messages can be sent to factories in far away countries. Now more manufacturers of computers, cars and machines that requires a global parts. The international suppliers in turn relate components from other suppliers (subcontractors), so a global network is formed. Political developments, such as the dissolution of the Soviet bloc unexpected leadership of the Soviet Union and the associated Privatiesierung former state-owned enterprises, promote the rapid growth of world trade. Many German companies to do jobs for many countries in the world, or have there factories or branches in order to be successful in the markets of these countries. In return, of course, have to face domestic competition from abroad. At all levels of politics are international contacts, among other things, to economic cooperation to pave the way to secure and politically. Islamists in the countries of the world in embassies and trade missions to seek this goal.

are opponents of globalization believe that
> poor countries will become even poorer. because sufficient revenues from commodity sales not enough to pay for necessary imports, ie, the debt is even greater.
> the control of large, global operating business enterprise is difficult.
> international companies get richer, however small, local businesses are getting poorer
> Wages and prices deb respective countries of large entrepreneurs "Pressed" to be.
it> as a side effect include developing countries also to environmental destruction comes (for example, by cutting down rain forests)


The UN / Unitet Nations (= United Nations) or acuh UN (Unitet Nations organization) tried to create and maintain world peace, for the realization of human rights and the improvement of living conditions in war zones.
The troops for the peacekeeping operations are provided by the member countries. In 2003, approximately 47 000 soldiers and police from 88 countries in order for the UN peacekeeping operation with the UN mandate.
In 1988, the UN Blue Helmets (named for their blue helmets) the Nobel Peace Prize. Still have peace missions on behalf of UN massacres, such as preventing the Bosnian town of Srebrencia 1995 does not. Since that time, is a UN Commission to ensure that the troops will have more power.
The UN was immediate after the end of World War II 26th Founded in June 1945. 51 countries were founding members. Meanwhile, 191 countries belong to this world organization with all the anne. The
Bundesrepublick Germany and the former GDR was taken in 1973 in the UN.
headquarters of the United Nations, New York. In different other cities of the world, eg in Geneva, are subsidiaries.

tasks of the UN
first to preserve peace and international security and to take effective collective measures to prevent threats to peace and to eliminate, to suppress acts of aggression and other breaches of the peace and international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace, by peaceful means to clean up the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement;

second friendship based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self determination of peoples relationships between developing nations and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;

third To achieve international cooperation in order to Loede international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character, and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion, and to consolidate;

4 . To be a center, in the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends to each other.


Cooperation North Atlantic Treaty Organization-NATO- (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) based on the Treaty of 1949. It contains a system of kollektiveb defense. An intervention by land, sea, b, or in the air against one or more alliance partners is seen as an attack against all members. All 19 Member States have committed themselves to provide troops for deployment are available. The North Atlantic Council
or NATO Council in Brussels-based is the most important body. The NATO Secretary General, the organization and represents to the outside. All Member States are represented by their Bostschafter. The decisions must be unanimous. Several times a year take Conferences attended by the foreign and defense ministers of NATO countries.
After the U.S. had shown that it is in the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 by a guided from outside attack was acting, on 2 October 2001 by the NATO Council first resolved in the story that the alliance has occurred under Article 5 of the NATO Treaty.
The German parliament approved in November 2001 that German armed forces must be zuammenwirken with the U.S. and other countries of the anti-terror coalition in military combat international terrorism.

similarities of the NATO countries
The preamble (introduction) of the NATO Treaty is clearly established that members accept the objectives and principles of the United Nations and the wish expressed that they want to live with all peoples and all governments in peace. "They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples, founded on the principles of democracy, individual liberty and the rule of law." With these statements, NATO is more than just a defensive alliance North Atlantic area. Had she been initially set up especially to prevent the expansion of communism, it is a community of states in the the values of Western democracy, such as taking the respect and protection of human rights a prominent place.

NATO countries:
since 1949: Belgium, Denmark, Merk, France, Great Britain, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, USA
since 1952: Greece, Turkey
since 1955: Germany
1982: Spain
since 1999: Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary
since 2004: Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

tasks of NATO
> Peacekeeping major military strength and cooperation
> Crisis management outside the Bündsnisstaaten (out-of-area missions)
> Cooperation with Russia and other countries of Central and Eastern Europe
- "Partnership for Peace
-" Joint NATO-Russia Council
> Support for the UN in war zones
> defense alliance with mutual defense commitment

Bundeswehr tasks of the Bundeswehr
> contribution to the functionality of the NATO
> use in humanitarian actions
> promotion of peace through military preparedness
> protection of the people in their own country against internal and external threats
> Help with disasters
> Beitarg the integration of Europe


WTO (World Trade Organization = World Trade Organization)

It was founded in 1995, the successor organization of the 1947 founded GATT (General Agreement on Trade Tariffisnand) based in Geneva, the UN specialized agency for Förederung and monitoring of international trade.

IMF (International Monetary Fund)

It was founded in 1945, D headquarters in Washington, also a specialized agency of the UN, together with the World Bank to promote and intensify international cooperation in financial and monetary policy and development aid.

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation to the Development Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)

Founded in 1961, based in Paris, the most important organization of the Western industrial countries mainly to coordinate its economic policies.

OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe)

This international organization was created in 1994th Your goal is to to prevent conflicts between-undinnerstaatliche or control, to allow the building of democratic institutions and to discuss human rights issues. 55 nations of the earth, including the United States and Canada are members of the OSCE, most European states belong to it as well as the republics of the former Soviet Union.

WEU (Western European Union)

a security alliance, which most member states of the EU plus Iceland, Norway and Turkey belong. It is the "European pillar" of NATO. The WEU has to prepare for in the Maastricht Treaty, the task of a future common EU defense policy. Initial sales were made with the installation and deployment of an EU intervention force.


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