Saturday, April 26, 2008

March For Babies Team Name Ideas

Mass media

As defined the word "mass media"?

mass media produce mass communication, which is distinct from the individual communication.

The name was in English section, which in the 1920s with the advent of radio, the crowd leaves and magazines.

On the side of the "sender" is the moderator, which acts as an observer and reflector of reality. This directs his statements available to the public for everyone.

of mass communication

The audience is scattered, it is not such as a mass gathering in a place that listens to a speaker, can communicate with each other, causing reciprocal actions (applause, which is taken up by other members ,...). When far-flung television, bicycle io or newspaper audience is this aspect of direct communication away completely.

In recent years, there are increasingly offered to accompany television and radio broadcasts over the Internet through chat directly with other viewers or broadcast managers often appear to be in contact during the show. Opinions and votes via the Internet and e-mail is often possible.

media of mass communication vs. mass popular media

is Colloquially, the term "mass media" is often used in the sense as defined above, for example in statements such as "The Internet began its triumphal march became a mass medium."

is not meant that in a medium of mass communication takes place, only that it is a broad mass.

function of the mass media

In democratic systems, the mass media, three partly overlapping functions assigned

information, participation in opinion-forming and control and criticism.
Other tasks include also entertainment and education.
These are only the direct functions.

Indirect functions are firstly due to their complexity and interaction, and secondly because of the limited possibilities of researching an intentional / conscious application difficult to understand.

users confidence

in credibility and user confidence exists between the mass media into representative surveys vary substantially. So keep 2007 60 percent of the population Regional newspapers for serious, followed by 53 public radio and public television by 52 percent.

(26 percent) and the Low is trust magazines (35 percent), private radio stations (31 percent), private internet television (20 percent).


critics see today's perception of reality only as a media-presented and mediated image. Events that would not play in the mass media would find, in public does not occur. Of great importance for the media presence and the value of a message are factors such as proximity, prominence, personalization, Conflict potential and surprise.

messages without such news value would be for a publication found to be suitable, which are reflected in the long term picture of mediated reality.

The selection criteria, which will be decided by whether a message is spread is worth it or not, depending on the particular format. As the yellow media were eighth in the first instance, whether a subject to achieve a emotionalisiernden effect the consumer and to increase the circulation or ratings. Media, researched mainly from the point of the interpretive or investigative journalism respected, rather the information content and the "searchable depth", which were behind a message.

Source: ZDF-library
Images: Google Images-
- Flickr Storm


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