While I still work at the Mad Tea Party attraction [I get the textures just not right out :-(] I thought about the other elements to Wonderland. Once again I took a blank sheet of paper and pencils for my hand to my ideas noted.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
How Long Does Eton Mess Take
While I still work at the Mad Tea Party attraction [I get the textures just not right out :-(] I thought about the other elements to Wonderland. Once again I took a blank sheet of paper and pencils for my hand to my ideas noted.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
March For Babies Team Name Ideas
As defined the word "mass media"?
mass media produce mass communication, which is distinct from the individual communication.
The name was in English section, which in the 1920s with the advent of radio, the crowd leaves and magazines.
On the side of the "sender" is the moderator, which acts as an observer and reflector of reality. This directs his statements available to the public for everyone.
of mass communication
The audience is scattered, it is not such as a mass gathering in a place that listens to a speaker, can communicate with each other, causing reciprocal actions (applause, which is taken up by other members ,...). When far-flung television, bicycle io or newspaper audience is this aspect of direct communication away completely.
In recent years, there are increasingly offered to accompany television and radio broadcasts over the Internet through chat directly with other viewers or broadcast managers often appear to be in contact during the show. Opinions and votes via the Internet and e-mail is often possible.
media of mass communication vs. mass popular media
is Colloquially, the term "mass media" is often used in the sense as defined above, for example in statements such as "The Internet began its triumphal march became a mass medium."
is not meant that in a medium of mass communication takes place, only that it is a broad mass.
function of the mass media
In democratic systems, the mass media, three partly overlapping functions assigned
information, participation in opinion-forming and control and criticism.
Other tasks include also entertainment and education.
These are only the direct functions.
Indirect functions are firstly due to their complexity and interaction, and secondly because of the limited possibilities of researching an intentional / conscious application difficult to understand.
users confidence
in credibility and user confidence exists between the mass media into representative surveys vary substantially. So keep 2007 60 percent of the population Regional newspapers for serious, followed by 53 public radio and public television by 52 percent.
(26 percent) and the Low is trust magazines (35 percent), private radio stations (31 percent), private internet television (20 percent).
critics see today's perception of reality only as a media-presented and mediated image. Events that would not play in the mass media would find, in public does not occur. Of great importance for the media presence and the value of a message are factors such as proximity, prominence, personalization, Conflict potential and surprise.
messages without such news value would be for a publication found to be suitable, which are reflected in the long term picture of mediated reality.
The selection criteria, which will be decided by whether a message is spread is worth it or not, depending on the particular format. As the yellow media were eighth in the first instance, whether a subject to achieve a emotionalisiernden effect the consumer and to increase the circulation or ratings. Media, researched mainly from the point of the interpretive or investigative journalism respected, rather the information content and the "searchable depth", which were behind a message.
Source: ZDF-library
Images: Google Images-
- Flickr Storm
Friday, April 25, 2008
Japanaise Rape In Bus
Within The attraction is one of several musical sections as Kiss her but travel Under the sea In harmony or .
Crush's Coaster
The façade of the attraction is with artificial rocks, coral and sea grass are decorated to create the illusion you are entering a real reef.
Ariel's Grotto Ariel
I will cave in the movie rebuild Ariel the mermaid . Surrounded by her collection of Menschenkram guests will have the opportunity to meet their favorite mermaid. Beautiful Briny Ballroom
Inspired by the animated sequence in Disney's film The daredevil flying witch in her bed I will build a ship wreck that is home to a seafood restaurant: the Beautiful Briny Ballroom . the restaurant everything will be decorated with fish, seaweed and shells. The interior is in many ways similar in the Sebastian's Calypso Kitchen Restaurant from Tokyo DisneySea . Audio-Animatronic-fish and other marine creatures such as occur, the Briny Boys and entertain the guests.
Plus Sing
Everything in the ocean area to try recreate the beauty of the underwater world. Sculptures, audio-animatronics, fences, bridges, flowers - everything. Everywhere let Disney characters from the seven seas as Ariel and King Triton found. I very much hope that one day the shores of Lake Discovery will look just as beautiful as in the picture. I will do my utmost . Do
Does Jolly Rancher Dissolve
Thursday, April 24, 2008
How To Record Voice From Xb
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sore Throat White Pustules
The European Movement (engl. European Movement) is a Europe-wide association of organizations and individuals with the aim to promote a united, federal Europe, based on the fundamental rights on peace, democracy, freedom, equality, solidarity and is based on the participation of citizens. It was on 25 October in 1948 and now operates in 41 European countries.
The history of the European movement
The origins of the European movement date back to July 1947. Met there to La Ligue Européenne de Coopération Economique (ELEC), l'Union européenne des Fédéralistes (UEF), l'Union européenne parlementaire (UPE) and the Anglo-French United European Movement to a conference in Paris on the initiative of Winston Churchill Ducan and Sandys.
After a temporary further meeting at which the committee gave the name of Joint International Committee for European Unity, was the key trend for the creation of the European Movement on the of 7 to 11 May 1948 in The Hague under the chairmanship of Churchill held conference, attended by nearly 800 delegates from across Europe and observers from the United States and Canada. Among the participants were German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Eugen Kogon.
The Hague conference had three resolutions drafted and adopted: Resolution Cultural, Economic & Social Council resolution and the Political Resolution.
After a British source "movement" first to 50% of the American Committee for a United Europe (ACUE) project, which was adopted by the U.S. Secret Service Office of Strategic Services (OSS) is controlled.
structure and members
the European Movement has currently 41 national meetings and 21 international organizations as associated members. Its approximately 130 member organizations represent almost all social groups: trade unions, political parties, trade and professional associations, educational institutions, foundations, academic institutions and others. Its president since 2005, Pat Cox. One of the six vice presidents, the SPD
politicians Jo.
flag The flag of the European Movement (green, originally red E on a white Base) was designed by Duncan Sandys.
on the activities of the European Movement date back the establishment of the Collège d'Europe / College of Europein Bruges and the European Centre of Culture in Geneva.
Different types of flags over time
The Hertenstein cross was the first symbol of European Federalists, designed by the Basel sculptor Hedwig free. It was eigeführt in the founding of the Swiss European Union in 1934 and received 1946 in Hertenstein, where in September, the basic program of the European Federalists worked out his name. It is adapted from the Swiss cross and shows a mirror-image double-E, symbolizing the unification of Europe. In the early years it was also the symbol of Germany's European Union and the Union of European Federalists (UEF) and its member associations .
The flag of the European Movement, the son of Churchill, Duncan Sandys, was designed, triggered off the Hertenstein cross. First it's been shown at the Hague Congress in 1948, as a red E on a white background. Later, it was chosen instead of red green (the color of hope) and so officially at the congress in February 1949 as a flag and insignia of the European movement and its member associations decided. Meanwhile, the European Movement has taken on the official European flag, the green E remained the symbol of European Federalists.
On December 8, 1955 the Committee of Ministers decided on the unanimous recommendation of the Consultative Assembly, 23 September 1054 a European flag, showing a circle on a blue background of twelve five-pointed stars. The stars are arranged like the hours on a dial. On the blue ground of the western sky, these stars symbolize the European peoples, the immutable number twelve should it stand as a symbol of perfection. Since 21 April 1986, this flag also the official symbol of the EC, the European Union today.
The European Movement in Germany
The Network European Movement Germany is the non-partisan association of stakeholders in European policies, and feel a clear pro-European contract required. The network promotes
EBD under the Statute, the European integration in Germany and the cross-border cooperation of European civil society. Additionally the network supports EBD its member organizations in European information, cooperation and training activities. We organize and strengthen the Euro-communication and European perspective in dialogue with EU stakeholders at national and European Ebene.Unsere approximately 150 member organizations representing virtually all sectors of society: business and professional associations, unions, educational institutions, academic institutions, foundations, political parties, businesses and others. Body of the member organizations is the leading organization of board Mitgliederversammlung.Politisch and the business of the non-profit organization supported by the Secretariat team. The European policy expertise, information and activities of member organizations are focused on the network, networked and strengthened.
Ap Bio Lab Eight Population
The separation of powers is based
The political structure of the FRG on the basis of a democratic state. For this form of government is the separation of powers is of crucial importance.
the people decide through elections at all political Levels on the composition of the various policy-makers, each of which is responsible for a particular area. The power given to them is thus divided. A distinction between Legislative (Parliament, legislative power), executive (government, executive power) and judiciary (courts, judicial power).
separation of powers at the federal level
prerequisite for the choice of the individual is first point of social competence, professional competence, creativity and openness to innovation.
If the politicians were then chosen, it does not mean that it must abandon its previous occupation. Only in the higher levels of political office are running full time, such as land councils and mayors of major municipalities. City councils, local councils and district councils and mayors of smaller municipalities are volunteers.
The municipalities and cities
Both municipalities and cities and markets have certain mandatory and voluntary tasks, although subject to government regulators. The district office monitors in particular whether a municipality meets its duty tasks. These include:
· providing citizens with energy and water
· disposal facilities (waste disposal)
· road construction within the community
· execution of state tasks (eg registry office carrying the parliament or federal election)
other hand, the community at the voluntary tasks set their own priorities, must be paying attention but also on their financial resources at its disposal. If they are numerous charges of craft or similar, have the community it is possible to support facilities for young people and clubs.
To get an overview of revenue (eg business tax, property tax) and expenditure reserve (eg maintenance of the youth center), they create a budget each year. Alongside this are the allowances of the state or the federal government.
Such decisions mayors and local councils. They are elected for a term of six years. The number of members depends on the population of each area. Any eligible voter (18 years) awarded to exactly as many votes as there are to choose municipal councils. For the mayor, in turn, is the majority choice, which means it must be above 50% of the votes allocated to the Account. Note also the possibility of vote splitting (voters decide between party lists and groups of voters) and the accumulation (per candidate may be awarded the highest 3 votes).
The counties and districts of Bavaria
Bavaria and the other provinces are not only communities but also divided into districts and districts.
In our state there are a total of 71 counties, keeping in mind that the 25 largest cities such as Munich, Nuremberg and Ingolstadt are also acyclic. Thus, they have to worry about the next municipal tasks and affairs of the district. If local tasks beyond the region and the significance of his immense cost, the county must intervene. This term, for example:
- construction and maintenance of hospitals, nursing homes
- roads (county roads)
- Fire protection in national measures
- money for schools and universities
- helping young people
The district is characterized mainly for its social commitment to its citizens of any kind.
policy making meeting of the District and County Councils in the district council. Also determines the number of inhabitants, as well as in the municipal council, the number of district councils (80 000 inhabitants represents 50 district councils).
The chairman of this committee is the district administrator. For the district Regensb urg this is Mirbeth District.
The next highest are the districts. Bavaria is divided into seven districts:
Oberbayern Niederbayern Oberpfalz
Oberfranken Mittelfranken Unterfranken
are the institutions of the district elected by the citizens every five years, District days. At the top of the District President. First of all, takes care of the district to help the most vulnerable of our society. Thus, among his duties as the construction and maintenance of medical equipment. Besides, he is in the field of social welfare, of war victims and support education work. That is why one speaks of a "social Parliament".
Political System Bavaria
The highest authority of our political system in the Free State of Bavaria (Freistaat marks the commitment to the Republic), the Bavarian state parliament. It is composed of 180 deputies, elected for a term of five years by the people. At the top sits the President of Parliament, who chairs the meetings of the Assembly of all Members of Parliament (plenary). He is the second man in the country behind the Prime Minister. Usually he is a member of the party with the most votes.
Bavarian Parliament
Even the parliament has to meet a high level of duties:
- President of the Supreme Bavarian Court choose
- State Commissioner for Data Protection select
- consent to election of state ministers and state secretaries give
- Bavarian Minister President
choose - make suggestions
political solution - make political statements
discuss political issues - the right of legislation (including the budget law) exercise
- Members of the Bavarian Constitutional Court choose
- Government and Administration (Executive)
control - control rights: oral question or Current
Question Time - Petitions (inputs) from citizens Edit /
forward from the majority in Parliament, it is clear the state government that is currently provided by the CSU. The Prime Minister made his government after the country's majority. It also determines the policy guidelines and bears responsibility.
The Prime Minister (currently Günter Beckstein , see picture) and his ministers are the supreme governing and executive authority of a province. They are in possession of the executive. Together they make among other bills, parliamentary decisions and share in the Indeed, to design and budget. In addition, the State Government next to the parliament and the people the right to table draft legislation. If the law is decided by the Diet, the Prime Minister signed it and makes it legal.
the countries it is not possible to decide on all policy areas themselves. As Bavaria is a part of the Federal Republic of Germany, it must accept that there are areas in which only the federal government can act. The school system of each country it is excluded as well as the police and the local law. Nevertheless, there are areas in the complement federal and state governments. Use of the Federal Council may at any time Bayern's influence on the Federal Republic take. But more on that later.
The Confederation
At the country level, it is the parliament of the legislature holds, while it is at the federal level, the Bundestag, based in the city of Berlin. In the Bundestag refers to the composition of the governing party (s) (currently CDU / CSU & SPD) and the opposition (FDP , Bündnis'90, the Greens , d he left ) . Overall, it consists of 598 elected MPs. He has the right to:
- Adoption of the law (most important task)
- Election of Chancellor on the proposal of President
- helping the election of the President
- political debates
- choose half the members of the Federal Constitutional Court
- Participate in the election of judges of the supreme federal court - adopts the budget
- political discussions about government statement
As the interests of the parties differ in some respects, it soon becomes clear that, the Bundestag shall generally into two camps. So a party has not in the federal elections, the majority (50%), it must look for a coalition partner. This alliance now represents the government. The other parties form the opposition, mostly as an advocate the population acts who are dissatisfied with the government. Since we live in a parliamentary democracy, a strong opposition is indispensable.
Members of a party or advocate a specific policy objectives (eg CDU / CSU ) form a group. Is therefore a decision, the individual members of parliament are based on the position of their pre-determined position of the group.
the beginning of the term of office shall determine the fractions of the organization. So that they will work most effectively bebildet for the individual subjects committees. These provide the necessary information, give advice, propose solutions. However, one must not forget that the final decision at the General Assembly (plenary ) takes place.
The coalition partners are working closely with the Federal Government, which provided the most bills (Exekutive!). This is due to the fact that they are in comparison to the opposition - the means available to deal with a number of experts.
No matter whether they belong to the government or the opposition, members of parliament have to do very different tasks. Their paths are very long, until they eventually we create one. Here too, the voice is in demand of the citizen, with his cross for a seat in the House provides. Thus, the local governance will be crucial for the success of a representative. By working in clubs, interviews with citizens and decisions on various committees he gains a closeness to the people, which gives him sympathy points. If the target is reached, the schedule is tight. Drifting and forth between Berlin and the respective constituency is inevitable.
apply in the Bundestag for the vote a few rules that must be observed. If a comment or vote in Parliament fails though they may not be held responsible ( indemnity ), unless it is a defamatory libel. They also have the right according to the Basic Law of the immunity. This means that the deputy is safe from unauthorized imprisonment. This occurs, however, cease to apply when he is criminally liable.
outweigh currently just under the Members of the CDU / CSU in the Bundestag, followed closely by the SPD. These two parties are now since 2005, the federal government - the head of the executive in Germany. The scepter in turn, the Chancellor or the Chancellor in his hand.
The major parties nominate during the general election in each case a candidate for chancellor. However, the citizens to decide on the party whose candidate for their opinion this office is more appropriate. The Basic Law for the Federal Chancellor is elected on the proposal of the President of the Bundestag. The candidate who receives the majority of votes by the Parliament governed.
Previously there were eight in Germany Chancellor:
- Konrad Adenauer, the CDU / CSU (1949-1963)
- Ludwig Erhard , CDU / CSU (1963-1966)
- Kurt Georg Kiesinger , CDU CSU (1966-1969)
- Willy Brandt , SPD (1969-1974)
- Helmut Schmidt, SPD (1974-1982)
- Helmut Kohl, CDU / CSU (1982-1998)
- Gerhard Schröder , SPD (1998-2005)
- Angela Merkel , CDU / CSU (2005)
The Chancellor shall appoint individual ministers and assigns them to their areas of responsibility. However, to watch what the Chancellor also insisted that his coalition partner is not neglected. If that is created unrest among the other, his position is strong in danger.
Over the long-reigning German Chancellor outstanding power, which is why we also speak of a "chancellor democracy." He has the powers of the Federal Minister to propose, even if the President appoints them officially, and according to the Basic Law and the policy-making authority . This refers to that individual ministers he political Specifies requirements that must be implemented by them. Although the ministers largely independently within their area or department ( Ressortprinzi p) may decide they have no choice but to follow the templates of the chancellor. In case of disagreement, the Minister, the Cabinet shall take the decision as a college ( collegiality ).
The Federal Government has also the following tasks to tackle:
- right to introduce bills
- supreme executive authority and therefore responsible for compliance with and implementation of legislation;
- Draft budget by Finance
addition to the Bundestag and the Bundesrat is an important political institution in Germany. Since Germany is a federal state, there is a regulated by the Constitution of co-existence of jurisdiction between federal and state governments. This is known as federalism ( Latin foedus = Alliance Treaty).
addition, it is also a collaboration between the various provinces. This is referred to by a co-operative federalism . The Federal Council is composed of the various prime ministers of the respective countries or from the departmental ministers. At these meetings they discuss issues and policies with respect to the federal government. For one year, the Prime Minister of a country is the chairman. At this time he is at once our Deputy Head of State, the Federal President
of meeting of the Federal
If a law of both the Bundestag and Bundesrat "Okay," it is signed by the President. The President is the real head of state of Federal Republic of Germany.
for his election will appoint a committee set up specially: the Federal Assembly. It comprises representatives from all countries members of the Bundestag and an equal number of, by the state parliaments be selected. It is elected by secret ballot. Also required here is as in the Federal election by absolute majority. For a period of five years, he is the German head of state. During his tenure, he lived in the Bellevue Palace.
Compared to other countries, such as the U.S., he has only limited political skills. He is neither a member of the Federal Government has a policy nor competence. His duties include instead:
- Appointment of the Federal Minister
- Validity of laws by signing
- power to refuse the office if Chancellor candidates lack
primarily takes the President representative Tasks. This contact is part of the population too young. He also receives foreign guests of state or even in different countries will travel to Germany to represent the outside. He also expresses itself in many current political, cultural and social issues.
The former Federal President of Germany were:
- Theodor Heuss, FDP (1949-1959)
- Heinrich Lübke, CDU (1959-1969)
- Gustav Heinemann, SPD (1969-1974)
- Walter Scheel , FDP (1974-1979)
- Karl Carstens, CDU (1979-1984)
- Richard von Weizsacker, CDU (1984-1994)
- Roman Herzog, CDU (1994-1999)
- Johannes Rau, SPD (1999.2004)
- Horst Koehler, the CDU (since 2004)