Monday, March 3, 2008

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Virtual Disneyland Canada Project

Welcome to my Virtual Disneyland Canada Project!

This page has only one goal - to create a 3D model of my ideas for a Canadian Disneyland theme park and any interested to the public. I intend, as often as possible to work on it so that it grows continuously. Disneyland Canada will never be completely finished, that I will try as long as I'm interested in this project, always new things to add or make existing elements again.

For now, the best way to explore it's probably the Blog Archive . I will update this blog regularly with sketches, designs and render the model, how it differs from simple forms to more or less complete parking areas, including attractions, restaurants, shops or whatever develops.

So why not a 3D model of an existing Theme parks to build? The answer is quite simple ... because it does not exist! I have had the opportunity of my imagination. I am not bound to existing layouts or blueprints. In many ways, Disneyland Canada will be unique. It would be too boring just an entire theme park for me to dupluzieren. Therefore, I decided a little Disney magic to our beautiful Canada enclosed. In my opinion it would be great to have a park like this. Well, some people will disagree with me because of weather, climate and the fact that North America already two giant Disney theme park resort has. But hey ... it's just my imagination! I'm already convinced that Disney will probably never build a Canadian theme park. This is the moment where the world of 3D modeling occurs on the plan. It is possible to me to design three-dimensional models of my concept ideas for my very own Canadian Disneyland and create. This is what I do when I use the expensive free software Blender. Not only does this Proket it allows me my virtual ideas into reality, it is also a good way for me this bizarre and yet wonderful hobby to share with you.

Incidentally, I have no legal claim to any part of the Walt Disney Company, so I can not insist that you redistribute my rendering and sketches. Rather, you feel free as often as you like it more public. I have this knowledge completely independent and completely legally appropriated and would provide it all. Please do me a favor and ask first, and as a link to this site. Thank you!


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