only about 25 minutes
took today of the public part of the district council meeting in Altenburg.
€ 11 700, - will cost the four welcome signs at town entrances - financed by the funds which have generated the Altenburger citizens by green sponsorships - such as District Mayor Frank Hofacker pointed praise.
He recalled the Markungsputzete 19 03. 2011 asked for the active participation of the citizenry. This year will take place at the Putzete a party at the TBR, be brought to the hardworking crew with a bus and turned back home. The occasion is the 10th Putzete - which is a model of civic engagement.
With few words, "The oak is gone" (Hofacker) of this annoying issue was ticked off hopefully for good.
Finally, it was still the question of the number of glass containers in Altenburg. It is to be discussed at a future meeting.
As a perennial issue debated again not cut hedges ...
For the two people present was the contents of a letter with obviously interesting proposals for the development of the nebulous Donaustraße unfortunately - but it is obviously speaking to a later time. Postponed
was due to unresolved issues, the presentation of the user regulations for the newly designed club room in the court school.
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