Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Do Dogs Smack Their Gums

If you go fast - not a problem ...!

After some time I've once again set up a Linux system. The machine this is no longer the youngest, single-core Pentium with 2 GHz, 768 MB RAM, on-board graphics. So all in all, not dolls. But it should be sufficient for surfing, and after all, is a DVD burner in it.

So flight times OpenSUSE downloaded, beamed ISO image to 'ne DVD and losinstalliert. Feels seventy-three questions answered, and then it was already so far: my new system came to life. Great.

But it was so lame snoring. The display slightly out of focus, making the display almost line by line, each suited to execute a program, sometimes just in between "Ben Hur" to look. Have a while rumgefummelt to the settings and at least get the display is sharper (different font, and other mouse - no success in the technical sense, but certainly better for the eyes ...). After two days I gave up in exasperation.

next attempt. Ubuntu image downloaded, burned, installation starts. Feels like two questions answered and tense wait, what probably happened this time. Fifteen minutes later appeared on the screen so "watch out, like it's time!" A message such as the progress bar was still below 50%. Begins so good ...

At some point the box but then finished, in a twinkling yet to restart, and already known to the unspectacular Ubuntu desktop in front of me. Hmmm, sometimes gently Firefox started - pling - as isser already. It went rapidly. And wait, the picture is indeed sharp. Cool. Let's see what YouTube. Okay, no Flash, no movie - but the offer, missing plug-in's just time to recharge. Automatic search, installation also three minutes later, the first flickering movies über'n screen. Geil.

What I find a little irritated that: always after 5 minutes about Tile from the X server and claimed - after he has tried all known modes - he could not find a mode that suits my monitor. After that I can then at least still register at the terminal and cause a clean reboot - for the next five minutes. I changed the monitor (no result) and now replaces the on-board graphics with a piece of commercial ATI, let's see if it's helping. But on this occasion: GraKa installed, turned on, löppt - so FUNZ must plug'n'play!

I am sure that I get the display problem fixed yet and am looking forward now has a remarkable nimble little surfing little machine ...

(Addendum 6 hours later: with the ATI forest and meadows Graka take on-board graphics klappts now quite smoothly - cheers ...)


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