general meeting on 14.6.2010 It • the time and form appropriate invitation was detected.
· our elected Mrs. Gottschalk and Mr. Zeitz reported:
· The state of affairs at the construction site Chino place
The planned shopping center will open in the fourth quarter of 2010, the cinema will take a little longer. There are already considering how the released by a non-thriving cinema (cinema) space of the city hall could be connected.
The shopping centers in neighboring communities have feathers, they do not prosper more as desired.
Mr. Zeitz told the precision, go ahead with the construction of the Chino Center. He stressed that the winery will not only parking space should be, but rather a compound, a transition between the old town and Chino Center.
· The state of affairs concerning the construction site winery place:
Cellars Square, the winery building, the winery is simply a historically refurbished gem that's eating up the city coffers empty. The paving will be natural stone, the Water Palace will again shine to new glory, the winery building will hopefully be the home of the Senior Citizens Advisory Board who are facing a new accommodation, as in the previous temporary they are more than poorly housed
· Ms. Schmidt v. HLA21 reported on the project "Social City"
(financing divided into thirds by the federal, state and city [here: HWB])
In Under the Social City program, we get in Hofheim-North, a new day care center that has long been urgently needed. The day care center "children of fortune" has been launched successfully. Children are our future.
· Mrs Dr. Gottschalk reported on Future Meets Experience:
One group has come together around Mr. Schirdewan to the children in the preschool, "Pate Patenopas and grandmothers" are. And so the generations and live together for the benefit of children and the elderly.
· Care Home on the road Lorsbacher: Since the investors and operators are not in any public Session presented, we can not say anything at this point. Falls very difficult for us ... (Petra Gottschalk)
· the state of things the community center on Marx Heimer, where recently the REWE - has opened the market.
The mansion in Marxheim polarized continue to welcome the one that finally gives this (these include the BFH), the others would prefer to shoot it into orbit. Now the home and historical society caught between the millstones, he will not get out of the old home, but that will be sold to make it to the maintenance costs no longer on the city's coffers content. Now you will hear the club is no longer, because you explain, who says A, B should also say who is Marx Heimer and the community center would have nothing else to do than collect there as an association. One does not even know if the HGV Marxheim would take over the municipal building, then the maintenance costs would also no longer with the city.
• The difficulties of the "village shop Wild Axes" on
The local shop does have a new manager, the Lange Hainer shop owner, and a new, soon available in shops, but it still wobbles, yet he does not write black numbers .
Wildsächser citizens doing it to you like children and buys there! Your children buy their Naschsachen there, but many parents and grandparents go shopping elsewhere.
· The Weekend Wildsachsen area is still under discussion. To avoid the risk of being driven away, if it remains weekend field and then no permanent housing is more allowed to do most of the residents, the Hofheimer citizens are now considering how they could lift the discovery, said the city again with security once attaches to the development of high price, because there will always be more expensive if the public sector tender needs. Residents can square the circle? We definitely try to help you out.
· Mr. Zeitz reports on tours of the lower nature conservation authority by marginal areas. "Be prepared" "proliferation-like extension of garden sheds, some owners exaggerate their expanded facilities, cabins are" remote bach Otherwise, there is the village renewal. Unfortunately, the seniors will not really heard, you have an excellent representative on the Senior Advisory Board, the Long Grove woman is asked not to their wealth of experience in issues of public transport, the elderly concerns, etc. which is very surprising.
The storm in a teacup, as far as the apartment distant gardens (allotments), has established clearly, so the gardens have not yet declared war, the huts in the creek bank area to give way, but most can be reassured that they were not their hobby takes . That many of the plantations and greenhouse houses have shifted downward direction Bach has to do with the fact that on the way to let the plants grow, not lead to edible plants would, because as you go for a walk ...
· The revolutionary village (Lorsbach) has a new fire station and has topping-out ceremony, unfortunately there is still no Nursery cultivation, for there is no money in the budget, but the possibility for the kindergarten children may use a room in the community center next door is gebasteslt and it is hoped that soon some thing. The TVLorsbach has great anniversary and the FCLorsbach will get the artificial turf course, where the TV is beneficial. The FCL has been promoted this season, and although at first. Otherwise, it's the little Gallic village and grumble as the Vienna and revolt as once the Hambach Festival, as it remained in revolt, but are still good but then all accessible. This should also be Lorsbach in a different way?
· initiate a reflection about an election program should be made. Proposals for a rousing slogan may be filed.
· The logo should be obtained because of the familiarity effect.
· State of things in the preparation of the candidate images for posters. Reduction of campaigning on a leaflet should be considered.
· logistics, electronics, technology
· It is necessary to clarify who is responsible for posters: Manufacture and servicing the boards, boards go out, and pick up again after the election must be organized or planned. It is planned to submit an application, that great general billboards are placed, similar to the procedure in cities Hochtaunus.
The date for next meeting will be posted.
proposals and voluntary reports by Erwin Zeitz (also on the road) are always welcome!