choice program in 2011 - Local councils and city council Our topics. We actively support the three Advisory Boards: The Senior Citizens Advisory Board, the Disability Advisory Council and the Advisory Council.
We support all the clubs, because in the clubs voluntarily, the coexistence the Hofheimer encouraged, it is made integration work, the Hofheimer clubs, of course, the Hofheimer districts are a reflection of social life and cultural power Hofheim. We
the city mission seriously.
are always pushing forward the apartment close to basic services in the neighborhoods: In Wild Saxony, received the village shop remains in Lorsbach that there are Rewe Nahkauf remains in Long Grove, received that the club remains in Diedenbergen that the club continue to exist can. These stores are a piece of urban culture and should not disappear. The same applies to Wallau.
We support the project "The Social City" because that the positive cooperation of the Hofheimer is encouraged.
We support the Hofheimer urban culture, the art association, Hofheimer all artists and those who provide volunteer that Hofheim can be a cultural city. All
home and history societies can, should they need political support, count on our open ear.
budgeting and financing Hofheim has also in recent years lived well above his means and is now deeply in debt. The implementation of other prestigious buildings are to the detriment of the financing option of child care, seniors, or socio-cultural institutions, not with us to make.
We stand for a serious budget. The available funds we invest with a view of the social and vocational needs of people Hofheimer. For promoting the base for the demand.
The recently adopted measures for the management of debt-interest Hofheimer Finance, abbreviated to "swap" or interest rate bets, we will not take. We want to bring about the withdrawal of that fateful decision.
This instrument is highly dubious and has already driven many local authorities in major financial hardship. "In the end, becoming the bank-not the citizens."
Topics in the districts and in Hofheim, for which we commit ourselves: Wildsachsen: preservation of the village store
Fast DSL for Wildsachsen
clarify the problem / improve the traffic situation on the main road "Old Wild Axes"
Friendly Solution for "young Hainz Discover marriage"
Langenhain: The "house hunting" continues to be renovated.
The citizens who have volunteered in the group of village renewal, must be heard - more done than before! optimized
Public transport from and has to Long Grove be
Rapid Introduction "fast DSL"
Diedenbergen: The artificial turf must be implemented quickly
The TV Diedenbergen talk we will ensure that the soon upcoming renewal of the contract with the mobile operator is not performed
Marxheim: The Marx nursing homes should receive the mourning hall, which is structurally and energetically forward-looking, in their cultural
should no longer "saw"
The Klara as a project site must be kept in focus!
Wallau: The Ländcheshalle be rebuilt as soon as possible be an adequate substitute must be created quickly, no more delays
Lorsbach: The disabled train access to be realized under all circumstances. In collaboration with the Senior Advisory Council and Disability Officer of the City Hofheim must be entered into the discourse by train, so that no delays occur anymore.
The bike path between Hofheim Lorsbach and must finally be implemented expeditiously.
A new memorial tree will be realized.
Hofheim: be The "Social City" program must continue.
need for the city of culture, so much it is financially possible, be done. The stelae-mile idea was to the Art Association are realized.
construction areas should be realized, but over plans to weaken the existing status quo or abolish should not be performed (Langgewann).
The parking control system and the parking situation in the various streets Hofheim are important cornerstones that should not be cemented unaudited.
unanimously decided at the general meeting on 26.1.2011!