Meeting on 04/08/2010 well attended Present were: Mr. Erwin Zeitz, Petra Gottschalk, Joachim Wendel Werner Lauer, Norbert Doell, Mr. Tobias Gottschalk, Irene Lange Berger, Hans Lange Berger, Günter Diefenbach, Mr. Ronald Brown, Mr. Christian Jacob , Günter Kraus, Renate Gebauer, Mr. Ernst Geweniger, Helmut Henrich Waltraud Zeitz, Mr. Karl-Heinz Wendel
- opening of the Assembly by Mr. Zeitz at 19.10 h, welcoming the members. It
- the time and form appropriate invitation was detected.
- The minutes of the last AGM and was designed to take away offered.
- The Chairman Erwin Zeitz asked for a minute of silence for deceased members Hans Schmutzler and Horst Clot
- financial report and notes the treasurer Joachim Wendel: The current account balance was announced
- There everyone is invited to make a donation on his annual review. to transfer out.
- account information: NASPA BLZ 510 500 15 Account number: 205 010 610
- Mr. Zeitz says soon to be posted on a success: long struggles of the BFH for a bike path between Hofheim and Lorsbach finally shows impact: The bike path will be built, the plans are or were from the town hall.
- All Members and citizens are invited to contribute ideas for the coming election campaign. In the next session, the proposals and concepts are discussed together in a "brainstorming".
- want to talk to the logo of the BFH. It comes from the first election in 2001. Should it be redesigned or maintained because of a recognition effect? (Discussion at the next meeting)
- Erwin Zeitz shows the problem of poster design. Different posters for individual districts are not well implemented for cost reasons. The result would probably back first Pictures of the candidates and 2 Photos of the current elected officials on the posters.
- (know what is arguably one expert found to implement the ideas perfectly) parallel to the debate over the layout of the poster, it takes candidates for the various local councils and the city council. In addition, suitable locations are found in the districts where round tables are to be offered.
- The theme citizens should - as since the early days of BFH - continue to be promoted and practiced. Mr. Zeitz notes that now the established parties try to score points with this issue.
- There are many potential candidates as possible for the local councils of Hofheim and the individual districts be found. To view personal comments and suggestions have been asked at this point. It has also been asked by the part of management, potential candidates to speak directly and also to promote the lists. Mrs. Gottschalk said the conditions that a candidate must meet and how many candidates must be at least in the lists.
- Working on lists of candidates has begun.
- was further asked by the part of management to report, who knows a cheap and reliable printer that could produce the posters next year. It
- Working Groups will be formed for handing out / delivery of promotional material. The next
- Meetings are the first results are posted and exchanged via
- candidates finding
- on current campaign issues,
- about ideas for a campaign poster and
- about which locations for members meetings / round tables are available.
- A collection of more ideas to take place.
- The date of the next General Assembly will in due time by e-mail and on the website announced.
- end of the meeting to 22:00
- Addendum: Since the lion's economy had moved out at short notice, the meeting had to be moved as quickly to the community center.